Nepal Police also known as Nepal Prahari announce vacancies for Prahari Jawan and Karyalaya Sahayogi 2080. Vacant Positions are Police Constable Vacant Number 1856, PoliceKaryalaya Sahayogi Vacant Number 53, PoliceKaryalaya Sahayogi Vacant Number 7, SentinelKaryalaya Sahayogi Vacant Number 20, PoliceKaryalaya Sahayogi Vacant Number 14.The application open is set from 2080/11/02 to 2080/12/09.
Application Last Date:- 2080/11/02 to 2080/12/09.
Application Fee:-
- Janapad Fee Charge:- 300, additional applying more than one group Rs. 60/-
- Karyalaya Sahayogi Fee Charge:- 200, additional applying more than one group Rs. 40/-