Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog announces vacancies for Ban Rakshak (Forest Guard). The application open is set until 2080-12-11. Applicants must submit their applications through the Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog official online portal, ensuring all necessary documents are attached.
Exam Type:-Written, Practical, and Interview.
online Application Form: https://psconline.p1.gov.np/login
Application Last Date:- 2080/12/04 and double fee till 2080/12/11.
Application Fee:- 300 Rs. additional applying more than one group charges 100 /-
Koshi Pradesh
Ban rakshak vacancy
Mero roll number
Ban rakshak ko exam kaile hunx sir
Ban rachak ko likhit ko notis aaeko cha ki chain