As per the Work Operations Directory, 2077 (Eighth Edition), the Prime Minister’s monthly remuneration is Rs 77,280, with an extra Rs 2,000 for Dearness Allowance. Additionally, the Prime Minister is entitled to 40 liters of gasoline annually and 306 liters of fuel every month for mobilization. The Prime Minister also gets a daily travel allowance of Rs 3,000, a supplementary monthly pay of Rs 10,000, and a communication allowance of Rs 5,000 each month.
In contrast, a minister receives a salary of Rs 70,730 a month in addition to a Rs 2,000 Dearness Allowance. For mobilization, ministers are given 207 liters of fuel each month and 20 liters of gasoline annually. They also receive a communication allowance of Rs 3,000 per month, a supplementary monthly salary of Rs 3,500, and a daily tour allowance of Rs 3,000.
For Prime Minister
➡️ Salary : 77,280/- per month
➡️ Dearness Allowance : 2,000/-
➡️ Fuel: 306 liters per month. Petrol, 40 liters per year. Mobil
➡️ Communication : 5,000/- per month
➡️ Monthly Salary: 10,000/- per month
➡️ Daily Tour Allowance : 3,000/-
For Minister
➡️ Salary : 70,730/- per month
➡️ Dearness Allowance : 2,000/-
➡️ Fuel: 207 liters per month. Petrol, 20 liters per year. Mobil
➡️ Communication : 3,000/- per month
➡️ Monthly Salary: 3,500/- per month
➡️ Daily Tour Allowance : 3,000/-